Location Index
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1 to 10 out of 41 institutions at locations with „Ya-Yz“ shown (total 5 pages)
Institution Location Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Biological Problems of the Cryolithozone Yakutsk, Russische Föderation North-Eastern Federal University (NEFU) Institute of Ecology Yakutsk, Russische Föderation Yakutsk Research Institute of Agriculture Laboratory of Helminthology Yakutsk, Russische Föderation -
Institution Location Yamaguchi University Yamaguchi, Japan -
Institution Location Université de Yaoundé I Yaoundé, Kamerun Centre Pasteur du Cameroun Yaoundé, Kamerun Laboratoire National Vétérinaire (LANAVET) Yaoundé, Kamerun Global Viral Cameroon Yaoundé, Kamerun Institute of Agricultural Research for Development Yaoundé, Kamerun Center for Research on Emerging and Re-Emergent Diseases (CREMER) Yaoundé, Kamerun